Weapons don’t pack too much of a punch as they are slow, sound unappealing, and usually require way too much ammo to kill a single enemy. The combat isn’t as pleasing as other Doom games. When a game from 2004 features better lighting effects than games from 2019.
You mostly fight against possessed marines in tight corridors, relying more on ducking and finding cover than going full guns blazing on anything that moves. You don’t get health packs by killing enemies.
In Doom 3, you are basically just a regular marine trying to survive a zombie-infested laboratory. In other games, Doomguy was the one the enemy feared. It’s focused more on being an unsettling, story-based horror shooter than anything else. It’s less focused on adrenaline, momentum, and over-the-top violence. Does this sound similar to any other game you might have heard of? Yes, you’re not wrong, this is basically the same premise as Half-Life. A game that Doom 3 desperately tries to imitate and this effort creates some good and some very bad results.ĭoom 3 is not as fast-paced as other Doom games. As to be expected, things go wrong, creatures show up from out of nowhere and turn the laboratories into monster-infested ruins, and it’s up to you to basically get the hell out of where you are. All you have to do is talk to people and go to where they tell you to go. The game begins at a very slow pace, with everything working normally. You control a silent protagonist working inside a shady scientific organization that’s conducting portal-based experiments, as well as a lot more going on behind the scenes. The premise of Doom 3 is somewhat familiar. “Yeah, the UAC provides terrible healthcare.”